Majk Shkurti GIS Developer

My Expertise

GIS Developer, with 4+ years of work experience. My overall expertise is Web mapping and Geodesy. I hold a master degree in Geodetic Engineering from Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania. My experience during and after my studies, is extended in many areas, such as GIS, web mapping, frontend & backend web development, field surveying on objects of particular relevance, geodetic surveys and CAD applications etc.


Vuetify FIGMA


.NET Core Openlayers Extjs Xamarin


FIGMA Civil 3D Geoserver ArcGIS QGIS


PostGIS Vagrant Parcel Ubuntu

Job Experience


GIS Developer (Freelancer)

  • @Upwork (2018-present)

Working for individuals, companies, universities in developing GIS applications for Web and Mobile.

Technologies used: Vue/Vuetify, Flutter, Openlayers, Geoserver, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Docker, Kubernetes

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GIS Developer

  • @Digitarca (2019-2020)

Digitarca deals with 3D laser scanner surveys with terrestrial and inertial acquisition systems, operating for over 10 years in the 3D sector it has developed internally software that helps the client to manage large quantities of three-dimensional data useful for the development of projects within the GIS / 3D BIM. My responsibility there was developing client part of SmartCITY3D, a web based application to manage point clouds, panoramas and GIS assets.

Technologies used: Angular, Openlayers

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GIS Developer

  • @ikubINFO (2017-2019)

ikubINFO is a company based in Tirana, Albania founded in 2007 and specialized in various fields like Software Engineering, GIS Applications etc. My role at the company is developing various GIS applications, web and mobile for public and private sector. My main focus here was developing WebGIS applications, mostly for municipality projects (USAID PLGP) and maintaining existing applications.

Technologies used: ExtJS, Openlayers, Geoserver, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, .NET (C#), Xamarin Forms

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